[Scope of application]
adviceXross, adviceLUNA II, adviceLUNA
Symbol information is downloaded in the symbol list by downloading the debug information file.
For source information, it refers to the setting path on the debugger menu, [Tool] [Option] [Path setting]. If you have selected the [Using the path information of the debug information file], the path information used in the debug information file is referenced preferentially.
Menu is shown if you right-click on the project file name shown on top on the tree view of symbol list. Open the properties dialog box.
If the symbol file name is shown in full-path, select the symbol file name tab on the properties dialog box, and then change the [Display the symbol file name in] to [File name].
If the source file name is shown in full-path, it means that it refers to the path information of debug information file.
Select the [Source file name]tab on the properties dialog box and change the [Display the symbol file name in] to [File name only].