[Scope of application]
adviceXross, adviceLUNA II, adviceLUNA
Set the daisy chain at the daisy chain tab on the MPU-specific settings dialog box.
Start up the project file and debugger without resetting it. Set the daisy chain at MPU-specific setting dialog box.
Connect the core to debug by bypassing the cores or peripheral devices not to debug.
- For the number of bypass TAP, set the bypass register bit length (the number of TAP).
1 bit for one core, or one peripheral device - For the number of IR register bit, set the IR instruction bit length.
For ARM7/9 core, set 4 bit for IR instruction bit length.
For ARM11 core, set 5 bit for IR instruction bit length.
If more than 3 cores are daisy chained, set the total number of BYPASS bit by partitioning the core into pre-stage, mid-stage, and post-stage. (Set the core to debug to mid-stage.)