To set the option byte in the microcontroller with FRX830,
it is necessary to set the MCU Operation Mode to ”option Byte Settings”
in addition to setting the option byte (address #00000040) in the YDD file.
(See FRX830 Instruction Manual chapter 2-2-1)
<MCU Operation Mode setting values for SWX600>
0000 (default): No security setting, No option byte setting
0001: Security setting, No option byte setting
0010: No security setting, option byte setting
0011: Security setting , option byte setting
*After changing the setting values on the SWX600 screen,press the ”OK” button
at the right end of the screen to reflect the setting values in the programmer.
Security is the protect settings against read, write, and erase when using in command protection mode.
The security setting is made at address #00000002 in the YDD file.