[Supported model]
adviceLUNA, adviceLUNA2
[Scope of application]
[Error message]
ICE Error No.1E02: JTAG communication time-out occurred.
- Check if a signal that interrupts MPU operation is input to the MPU on the user system.
- Check nSRST pin and nTRST pin of JTAG are connected in accordance with the description of Section 3.2.5 “Notes and points for connecting a user system” in the adviceLUNA2 User’s Manual(MPU-Specific Edition H2X600(or H2X603)).
- When using the soft macro core MPU, choose [MPU] - [MPU-Specific Settings] from the menu bar of the microVIEW-PLUS.
Check on Adaptive Clock on the [User System] tab of the [MPU] - [MPU-Specific Settings] dialog box.
- Check if JTAG Chain is set up correctly.
This error message appears when register access of L2Cache has a problem.
Set the correct L2C type and L2C base address by selecting [MPU] - [MPU-Specific settings] - [Others] from the menu bar of microVIEW-PLUS.